Our Monastery Books


The Holy Monastery of Saint John has embarked on a new initiative to produce a number of unique Orthodox Christian books. Each book has been specially designed and crafted to reflect our beautiful Orthodox Christian spirit and to entice the reader to embrace each book with open arms. All proceeds raised from the sale of these books go solely towards the production costs and the needs of our Monastery. We are pleased to announce our first book entitled ‘Spiritual Enlightenment’.

Spiritual Enlightenment

Compiled by Emmanuel Nicholas Stamatiou
Prefaced by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia

For further information, click HERE
To purchase the book, click HERE

The Holy Monastery of Saint John is offering a new book entitled ‘Spiritual Enlightenment’ to our Orthodox faithful. This is a truly unique book, ideal for all the faithful, from Catechumens to those mature in the faith, and is unrivalled with anything currently on the market. It is a must have for all spiritual libraries, and a timeless treasure rich in encyclopaedic content.

This beautifully presented three volume set entitled ‘Spiritual Enlightenment’ covers various aspects of the Christian Orthodox faith. The three volumes are entitled ‘Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed‘, ‘The Sacramental and Liturgical Life‘, and ‘Spiritual Life and Progress‘. The structure of the book is in the form of answers to frequently asked questions, and its contents are primarily a collection of references from both the Patristic tradition and contemporary Orthodox theologians. It is a magnificent reference book and truly belongs in everybody’s home.

All proceeds raised from the sale of this book go solely towards the production costs and the needs of our Monastery.

For further information, click HERE
To purchase, click HERE