The Saint John Feast Day celebrations commenced with His Grace Bishop Elpidios officiating in the Hierarchical Vespers of the 23rd of June. Then, on the actual feast day of the 24th of June, the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was followed by a morning tea at the Monastery Hall. Finally, the feast day luncheon after the Sunday Hierarchical Divine Liturgy of the 27th of June was marked by not only the amazing and friendly atmosphere of all the visitors, but also by the really delicious and well catered 3-course meal provided by the renown Greek Restaurant Brika.
The Monastery would like to thank His Grace Bishop Elpidios for officiating in the entire feast day services and blessing us with his presence.
In particular, the Monastery would also like to extend its sincere gratitude to the Brika Restaurant for donating the delicious and very special 3-course luncheon. May God bless Stratos the owner, George the chef and their team.
Finally, the Monastery would like to thank all the volunteers as well as those people who came to celebrate the special Feast Day of Saint John.